工作坊: Procreate粉色動漫人物繪 HKSI Workshop: Procreate Pink Anime Character Drawing
透過提供的草稿,指導如何繪製動漫人物頭像並應用粉紅色系色調,讓大家理解動漫人物的結構及色調搭配。 過程會以procreate 指導。 *用具要求: iPad Apple Pencil Procreate Using provided drafts, the session will guide participants on how to draw anime character portraits in Procreate, focusing on using pink colour tones. This will help everyone understand the struc
2024年7月06日 下午2:00 – 下午4:00
StudioKT, Floor 11, EastCore, 398 Kwun Tong Rd, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
嘉賓: 香港插畫師協會會員 MoSa LiNii
透過提供的草稿,指導如何繪製動漫人物頭像並應用粉紅色系色調,讓大家理解動漫人物的結構及色調搭配。 過程會以procreate 指導。
*用具要求: iPad Apple Pencil Procreate
Using provided drafts, the session will guide participants on how to draw anime character portraits in Procreate, focusing on using pink colour tones. This will help everyone understand the structure of anime characters and colour coordination. The process will be taught using Procreate.
*Required tools: iPad Apple Pencil Procreate