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桌遊製作分享會 : Wake Up / Board Game Making Sharing Session : Wake Up
桌遊製作分享會 : Wake Up / Board Game Making Sharing Session : Wake Up




桌遊製作分享會 : Wake Up / Board Game Making Sharing Session : Wake Up

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2024年10月05日 下午3:00 – 下午5:00

StudioKT, room 1206, 48 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong


Kian 將與她的學生Finger Shum 一起揭開《Wake Up》這個遊戲的創作秘密。一起來聆聽他們的故事,讓你對這個充滿想像力的桌上遊戲有全新的認識,感受那份奇幻與創意交織的魔力!

Kian will collaborate with her student Finger Shum to uncover the secrets behind the game "Wake Up". Listening to their stories will enable you to appreciate this creative table game even more and experience the wonder and magic of the imagination.


HKDI 插畫設計高級文憑課程講師 Kian Cheung

HKDI 插畫設計高級文憑學生Finger Shum


3:00 - 3:30 - 桌遊製作分享

3:30 - 5:00 - 桌遊體驗

《Wake up》是Finger 創作的桌上遊戲。在這個遊戲中,玩家將化身為小蝸牛,隨著響亮的鬧鐘聲,一同探索神秘的森林。Finger擅長於寫實手繪與兒童插畫,她的作品中融入了豐富的童趣與奇幻色彩,讓玩家在冒險過程中感受到溫暖和幽默的情感。

此外,Kian 將與Finger一同分享桌上遊戲創作的過程與背後的故事,讓大家重新認識這個充滿想像力的遊戲世界,並帶領大家深入了解從概念到製作的每一步。


Kian Cheung, Instructor of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration

Finger Shum, Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration

Event Details

3:00 - 3:30 - Board game production sharing

3:30 - 5:00 - Board game experience

"Wake Up" is a tabletop game designed by Finger. In this game, players will take on the appearance of tiny snails and venture through the enigmatic woodland accompanied by the loud noise of the alarm clock. Finger is skilled at creating realistic traditional drawings and children's illustrations. Her creations feature vibrant colours and childlike fantasies, which provide players with a sense of warmth and humour when they embark on an adventure.

Additionally, Kian will explain with Finger how the tabletop game was made and the creative process behind it. It will enable listeners to revisit the imaginative world of gameplay and acquire an in-depth understanding of all the stages involved in the process, from ideation to completion.


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